Sunday, December 5, 2010

Social Media Pages

When creating content that reaches consumers it is important as a public relation professional to optimize all social networking pages. According to David Meerman Scott in The New Rules of Marketing and PR, there are many strategies and tactics that one can develop in order to optimize the maximum potential of outreach.
 It is first important to target a specific audience. As a professional it is important for a client or organization to reach those who are significant to their company. By targeting one specific or small niche market the success rate may be more obtainable.
Scott then discusses how it is important that the user-generated content is useful. It is important to provide the ‘publics’ or targets with valuable information. This is the time to really demonstrate the client’s expertise in the market. During this process it is essential for a professional to be authentic as this is a company’s credibility.
With optimizing social network pages it is important to create a large number of links to all extensions of a brand or client. By providing many routes of information consumers may interact more with the company as a whole. When doing this one should also provide valuable contact information.
It is important to encourage consumers to contact or participate in online conversations. Creating online groups and discussions denote the idea of a credible organizer and leader. The public wants to interact and by providing the avenue to do so can only be beneficial to any company or organization.
With any public relation professional or representative of an organization, social media pages will help with outreach. These are just a few of the strategies one can use to optimize all social media but are very effective. Scott suggests these ideas and experimentation of sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. I found these methods to be very useful and will utilize these suggestive tools to maximize my message outreach.