The movie “The Social Network” is a dramatized version of the development of Facebook. The movie focuses on the idea of Harvard undergrad and computer genius Mark Zuckerburg creating a new social media site of blogging and programming. The success of the young entrepreneur faces the complications and issues that affect his personal and own legal matters.
With pre-existing knowledge of social media and the many aspects that play a role in its overall effectiveness, I was able to draw some conclusions from the movie. After evaluating the contents of how a social network works and the different nodes and links, we come to network centrality.
Network centrality refers to the extent to which a network revolves around a single node. More specifically, the central node would be considered to hold complete power of the network. The movie itself allows its viewers to take a deeper look into the power of centrality. A better understanding of how one person or network can affect so many.
When considering the idea of network centrality from a public relation perspective the general notion should motivate any of those in the business of making connections. The movie really demonstrates how social media can and will play a role in the years to come. The structure of the movie focuses on Facebook but is similar to that of all other social media sites and what they have the capacity to achieve.
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and hope everyone has a chance to go out and see it. The movie itself allows people to take a general overview of what social media can do. From a public relations perspective it helps me as a student make the connections with terminology and reality. I now have a better understanding of centrality and how I might use this in future career opportunities.
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