Sunday, October 10, 2010

New World of Public Relations

Over the last couple years public relations has seen a major transition on the process of its operation in accordance to social media. Many of those involved within the social media world have made assumptions that public relations is deteriorating and on a path to complete nonexistence.
I believe the world of public relations is and never will completely cease to exist. It is a world of ever changing methods and as social media continues to grow it will allow public relations to evolve and adapt to media settings. It will allow public relations to become more effective and efficient in the way we present our messages and or have them travel over multiple networks at one time.
We have entered a realm where once no one could review products and or other media opportunities but now have that option through video networking like YouTube.  Opinions and commentary can now be seen instantly on sites such as Twitter. Social media has allowed companies to gain a better understanding of what and how things can be done based on the feedback of these sites from consumers.
In today’s society, there is a still a huge market for the world of public relations. The world of public relations isn’t necessarily changing but the mediums through which we conduct these messages are. The companies who will reap the benefits of this ever changing media world are those who have already started making changes and adapting to these social media settings.
Over the next couple years we might notice the extinction of the traditional public relations industry. Public relations is about keeping up with the ever changing media and social networking is the new basis for its existence. Those companies who decide to join the masses and leave their more conservative methods at the door are those who will thrive in this generation of social media and networking.
Not everyone necessarily likes their own industry changing but those who adapt will be the businesses that we still see in production 10 years from now. Companies that see this as a positive rather than a negative are the ones who will continue to prosper. If a greater understanding of social media is gained and better business- consumer relationships are maintained, how could the world of public relations possibly die out?

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